Sunday, January 6, 2013

2 Weeks of Fun Coming to an End

I'm going to pay for the fact that it is 11:15 and I'm still up not tired at all in the morning when my clock goes off at 5:45. I'm going to think it is a bad dream and want to roll back over but it will be a reality. I will have to rise and shine and go to Sand Hill.  Don't get me wrong I love my job but I love sleeping in with Saylor and playing so much better. I'm very sad my 2 weeks of fun are over and while I don't want to wish my life away I'm very excited for my next break. 

Today after church and Saylor's nap we played together in her toy room and watched Elmo. This is Saylor seriously into Elmo. I thought it was hilarious and it reminds me of her daddy sitting on the couch watching football or Top Gear.

Nothing eventful to talk about today but here are a few pictures of my favorite times over the break.


  1. Well, I am reading your blog at 11:56 PM - no desire to sleep whatsoever. And like you said, that desire will hit me when the alarm goes off in the morning.
    I know you are busy, but please keep the blog going; I like reading about Saylor's adventures.
    Mitchell was the same way about Elmo. One of our favorite trips was to Sesame Place (NJ)when he was younger. He had breakfast with Elmo and went to "Elmo's World" - we LOVED it!
    See you in the morning! Donna S.

  2. Thanks Donna - I'm going to have to look into this Elmo Place. It sounds like something Saylor would LOVE!
